Work With Julie

Personal Sessions are for those who wish to receive guidance towards a greater understanding of the foundations of their Bodygraphs (chart). The insights gained through understanding your chart, and the charts of those closest to you, offer a completely new perspective about yourself and your interaction with others. Having a reflector guide allows a unique opportunity to experience your energies sampled and reflected back to you. I view these readings as an energetic tune up as much as a chart reading, and treat them with the utmost respect and honesty.

All readings are recorded, transcribed, and held over zoom.

Initial Session- 75 Minutes - $125

Initial Sessions provide a solid overview of the intricacies of your bodygraph.

We'll go over aura type, your unique strategy & inner authority for making decisions, defined and undefined energy center themes, and profile type. You'll walk away with a greater understanding of how this information and awareness can positively impact your life and those around you.

These sessions can serve as a great first step in your human design journey, helping guide you through the sea of sometimes confusing resources online. They can also provide you with a new way of looking at your design if you've been practicing and experimenting for some time.

**24 hour cancellation policy ** Please notify by email 24 hours before if you cannot make your session.

man and woman in wedding clothes smiling lovingly at each other
man and woman in wedding clothes smiling lovingly at each other
Composite Session - 75 Minutes - $150

Composite charts in Human Design is a fascinating study that can reveal areas of your relationship that go beyond anything imaginable. Explore the dynamics between you and your partner, and understand the strengths, challenges, and potential areas for growth within your relationship.

Whether you're in a long-term commitment, entering a new partnership, or seeking to improve an existing relationship, this Composite Reading through Human Design offers a unique and empowering perspective to guide you on your journey towards greater understanding, harmony, and connection with your loved ones. Good for all kinds of relationships including platonic, professional, romantic, and familial.

To ensure accurate results, please ensure you provide a reliable birth time.

*Disclaimer: These readings are for entertainment purposes and are outside the scope of my training and certification within the International Human Design School. Regardless, my clients and I enjoy them and have found my self-study to be sufficient to convey intuitive composite chart insights.

Reflector Session - 90 Minutes - $150

It's a beautiful gift to have a Reflector Aura Type. But many times it's difficult to understand what that means, and how to start recognizing your unique pattern with the moon. This longer Reflector Reading covers everything in the 60-Minute Reading through a reflector lens. It allows time to go over questions and how the transits will continue to influence you as a reflector in the globally transformative years to come.

This reading allows for a deeper understanding of your personal Human Design as a Reflector Aura Type and how the transits will impact your life.

Each one comes with a custom made Quantum Lunar Mandala created from your unique dance with the moon every lunar cycle.

To order your 90-Minute Reflector Reading, please select a date and time. Upon purchase you'll receive a confirmation.

**24 hour cancellation policy ** Please notify by email 24 hours before if you cannot make your session.

In-Person Sessions

In-person readings are welcome and available at request. These are held at The Energy Within, Overland Park, KS, and will require an additional $15 accommodation fee. Please email to schedule.


Longer term working relationships are also available at 4 and 10 session bundle pricing. If interested, please email to schedule a 20-minute discovery session.

The beautiful images below for Overview and Reflector Sessions were created with the help of Artificial Intelligence.

Contact with any Questions

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